Why Blisters Hurt & Why You Shouldn't Pop a Foot Blister | Buoy (2024)

Poor-Fitting Shoes

Poor-fitting shoes are a major cause of blisters of the feet, and it's not just high heels that are to blame. In fact, any style of shoe that pinches the feet or that rubs in a sensitive area can cause blisters.

Dyshidrotic Eczema

A rarer cause of blisters on the soles of the feet is dyshidrotic eczema, which is a skin condition that has connections to both stress and allergies. This condition is most common during the spring allergy season, and the blisters tend to form around the edges of toes and feet. It can take a few weeks for dyshidrotic eczema blisters to dry up and heal.

This list does not constitute medical advice and may not accurately represent what you have.

Non-specific skin rash

Nonspecific skin rash means any sort of unexplained outbreak on the skin.

Common causes of rash are contact dermatitis, sun damage, or allergic reaction. However, many rashes are a symptom of disease and should not be ignored.

Nonspecific rashes have widely varied symptoms:

  • May be flat and smooth; slightly raised or with swollen welts; clean and dry; or blistered and oozing.
  • May spread widely over the body, or be confined to one site.
  • May appear after eating certain foods; or after exposure to certain plants or to insect stings or bites.
  • Other symptoms may be present, including pain anywhere in the body; nausea; vomiting; fever; headache; or abdominal pain and upset.

Diagnosis is made through patient history and physical examination to determine the exact type, location, and history of the rash, along with any other symptoms that may be present.

Those symptoms will be investigated with blood tests or imaging. Skin swabs may be taken and tested. After the process has ruled out as many causes as possible, a course of treatment can be determined.

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum, also called "water warts," is a common, benign, viral skin infection. It causes a rash of bumps that may appear anywhere on the body.

The virus spreads through direct contact with the bumps, including sexual contact. It also spreads through touching any object that an infected person has handled, such as clothing, towels, and toys.

Most susceptible are children under age 10. Other risk factors include dermatitis causing breaks in the skin; a weakened immune system; and living in warm, humid regions under crowded conditions.

Symptoms include a rash of small, pale bumps with a pit in the center. The rash is usually painless but may become reddened, itchy, and sore.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination.

In some cases, treatment is not needed and the condition will clear on its own. However, if the bumps are unsightly or are present in the genital area, lesions can be removed through minor surgical procedures or treated with oral medication or topical agents.

Irritant contact dermatitis

Irritant contact dermatitis means a skin reaction that is caused by directly touching an irritating substance, and not by an infectious agent such as a bacteria or virus.

Common causes are soap, bleach, cleaning agents, chemicals, and even water. Almost any substance can cause it with prolonged exposure.

Contact dermatitis is not contagious.

Anyone who works with an irritating substance can contract the condition. Mechanics, beauticians, housekeepers, restaurant workers, and health care providers are all susceptible.

Symptoms include skin that feels swollen, stiff, and dry, and becomes cracked and blistered with painful open sores.

A medical provider can give the best advice on how to heal the skin and avoid further irritation. Self-treatment can make the problem worse if the wrong creams or ointments are used.

Diagnosis is made through patient history, to find out what substances the patient comes into contact with, and through physical examination of the damaged skin.

Treatment involves avoiding the irritating substance if possible. Otherwise, the person can use petroleum jelly on the hands underneath cotton and then rubber gloves.

Friction blister on the foot

Friction blisters are very common among both men and women of all ages. They most commonly affect the feet due to lifting heavy loads, repetitive overuse, or ill-fitting shoes. The layers of skin become separated from mechanical force, and the body fills the gap with fluid.

Friction blisters will heal on their own, however they can become infected if not properly cleaned. Soap and water followed by topical antibiotics will help to prevent infection. Additionally, a bandage will both keep the blister clean and help with discomfort. Do not attempt to pop a friction blister.

Rarity: Uncommon

Top Symptoms: foot pain, foot blister, blister likely from friction, constant skin changes, foot skin changes

Symptoms that always occur with friction blister on the foot: foot blister, blister likely from friction

Urgency: Self-treatment

Diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is the damage done to nerve fibers in the extremities by abnormally high blood sugar. Anyone with diabetes is at risk for peripheral neuropathy, especially if the person is overweight and/or a smoker.

Symptom include pain, numbness, and burning in the hands, arms, feet, and legs; muscle weakness; loss of balance and coordination; and infections, deformities, and pain in the bones and joints of the feet.

Peripheral neuropathy can develop very serious complications, since the high blood glucose prevents any infection or damage from healing as it should. This can lead to ulcerated sores, gangrene, and amputation. For this reason, signs of peripheral neuropathy are considered a medical emergency and the person should see a medical provider as soon as possible.

Diagnosis is made through sensitivity tests and nerve conduction studies.

There is no cure for diabetic neuropathy, but the symptoms can be managed in order to slow the disease and help restore function. Treatment will include lifestyle improvements and the use of pain medication.


Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the deep layers of the skin. It can appear anywhere on the body but is most common on the feet, lower legs, and face.

The condition can develop if Staphylococcus bacteria enter broken skin through a cut, scrape, or existing skin infection such as impetigo or eczema.

Most susceptible are those with a weakened immune system, as from corticosteroids or chemotherapy, or with impaired circulation from diabetes or any vascular disease.

Symptoms arise somewhat gradually and include sore, reddened skin.

If not treated, the infection can become severe, form pus, and destroy the tissue around it. In rare cases, the infection can cause blood poisoning or meningitis.

Symptoms of severe pain, fever, cold sweats, and fast heartbeat should be seen immediately by a medical provider.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination.

Treatment consists of antibiotics, keeping the wound clean, and sometimes surgery to remove any dead tissue. Cellulitis often recurs, so it is important to treat any underlying conditions and improve the immune system with rest and good nutrition.

Rarity: Uncommon

Top Symptoms: fever, chills, facial redness, swollen face, face pain

Symptoms that always occur with cellulitis: facial redness, area of skin redness

Urgency: Primary care doctor

Bullous impetigo

Bullous impetigo is a skin infection that causes large blisters that is caused by streptococcus (strep) or staphylococcus (staph) bacteria. Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (MRSA) is becoming a common cause.

You should visit your primary care physician within the next 24 hours, where your doctor can make a diagnosis by looking at the rash. Most of the time, impetigo gets better without requiring medical care, but doctors do prescribe topical antibiotics. Oral antibiotics are given for more serious manifestations.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: moderate fever, constant skin changes, facial skin changes, severe fever, crusty rash

Symptoms that always occur with bullous impetigo: facial skin changes, constant skin changes

Urgency: Primary care doctor

Benign skin growth

Benign skin growths are very common and virtually everyone has some form of them. "Benign" means the growth is not cancerous and not harmful. Some of these growths have genetic origins, and for some the cause is not clear.

Common types are:

  • Birthmarks, may appear as flat "stains" in the skin or as raised clusters formed of tiny blood vessels.
  • Moles, small irregularities that originate in the pigment-producing cells in the skin. They can be almost any shape or color but are normally no larger than one-quarter of an inch across.
  • Skin tags, little irregular flaps of skin, like a flattened mole attached on only one side.
  • Keloids, a dark, fibrous form of scar tissue that forms after a skin wound, either from trauma or from surgery.

As a person ages, more changes may appear in the skin. Most are benign, but any unusual or suspicious skin growth should be checked by a medical provider. The growth can be removed if it is unsightly, interferes with clothing, or proves to be malignant (cancerous.)

Athlete's foot (tinea pedis)

Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection of the feet and/or toes. Warm, moist environments and community showering are common causes of this type of infection.

Over-the-counter treatments are quite effective at treating athlete's foot. They can come in the form of sprays, ointments, or even oral antifungals. Consider replacing shower footwear and bleaching any bathroom floors.

Allergic reaction to poison ivy/oak/sumac

Plants of the Toxicodendron genus are found throughout the continental United States, and exposure to these plants is a leading cause of contact dermititis, a medical term used to describe irritation and itching of the skin.

Firstly, to prevent allergic reaction to poison ivy from getting worse, wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Over-the-counter antihistamines such as Benadryl can help with the swelling and itching. Topical corticosteroids applied directly to the rash can also help relieve some of your symptoms

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: rash, itchy rash, red rash, skin changes on arm, stinging or burning rash

Symptoms that always occur with allergic reaction to poison ivy/oak/sumac: itchy rash, rash

Symptoms that never occur with allergic reaction to poison ivy/oak/sumac: fever

Urgency: Self-treatment

When to see a doctor for foot blister symptoms

If you notice the following foot blister symptoms, schedule an appointment to be safe.

  • Continual drainage of pus
  • Severe pain when applying pressure
  • A blister that keeps coming back
  • Any other sign of infection: Such as redness or excessive warmth.

Further at-home treatments for foot blister symptoms

If you're avoiding the needle (which is recommended), here are a few ways you can regulate your discomfort and speed up the healing of your foot blister symptoms.

  • Avoid pressure: When making major changes to your activity levels, try to do so gradually. Avoiding excess pressure on your feet will help prevent blisters in the first place and speed up the healing of any existing ones.
  • Change clothing: Opt for cotton socks that let your feet breathe and avoid shoes that don't fit just right.
  • Witch hazel: Witch hazel's astringent tannins will help dry out a foot blister without taking the risk of popping it. Apply it gently using a cotton ball.

The next time you spot a bubble on your foot, you can assume a blister is brewing. By taking the proper steps, you can speed up its healing and prevent infection.

Questions your doctor may ask about foot blister

  • Do any of your body parts (e.g., toes, hands, ears) feel cold?
  • What fluid is in your blister?
  • Are you having any difficulty walking?
  • Do you drink alcohol?

Self-diagnose with our free Buoy Assistant if you answer yes on any of these questions.

Why Blisters Hurt & Why You Shouldn't Pop a Foot Blister | Buoy (2024)


Should I pop a blister on my foot if it hurts? ›

In most cases, you're best off letting a blister heal on its own. But the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says you can drain a blister if it is “very large and painful.” Popping or draining a blister can lead to infection, so if you absolutely must do it, take care to keep it clean.

Why should blisters not be popped? ›

These fluid filled sacs act as a barrier to germs and protect the wound while new skin forms underneath. If the barrier breaks for any reason — including a person popping it — bacteria can get in and cause an infection. That is why, in most cases, it is best to avoid popping a blister.

What if a blister hurts too much to walk? ›

If you have a blister, whether it's intact or has popped, and you have redness around the blister or increased pain, fever or chills, you should go to the doctor immediately. It may indicate you have an infection that requires antibiotics.

Will a blister heal faster if I pop it? ›

Just keep in mind that blisters usually heal on their own within a few days. Popping a blister disrupts this natural process, and it could mean that your blister will take a little longer to completely disappear. You'll also need to keep a close eye on it after you pop it to monitor for signs of infection.

How do you make a foot blister stop hurting? ›

Using a bandage provides pain relief for blisters, keeping the feet dry and wearing properly fitting shoes to prevent them from forming in the first place. If the blister has not ruptured, you can cover it with a sterile bandage or gauze, replacing the dressing daily to maintain cleanliness.

Should you cover a blister or let it breathe? ›

You may choose to cover small blisters with a plaster. Larger blisters can be covered with a gauze pad or dressing that can be taped in place. Painful blisters, or those in positions where they're likely to burst, such as on the sole of your foot, can be covered with a soft dressing to cushion and protect them.

How to heal blisters on feet overnight? ›

Apply an antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly to the blister and cover it with a nonstick bandage or gauze pad. After several days, cut away the dead skin. Use tweezers and scissors that you sterilize with an antiseptic wipe or rubbing alcohol. Apply more ointment and a bandage.

What is the liquid in a blister? ›

A blister is a small pocket of body fluid (lymph, serum, plasma, blood, or pus) within the upper layers of the skin, usually caused by forceful rubbing (friction), burning, freezing, chemical exposure or infection. Most blisters are filled with a clear fluid, either serum or plasma.

Should I put a BandAid on a blister? ›

Cover your blister with a bandage, if needed.

A bandage can help prevent the blister from being torn or popped. If the blister does break open, a bandage can will keep the area clean prevent infection. Use a bandage that is large enough to cover the entire blister.

Why does my blister hurt so much? ›

Painful blisters on the palm of the hands or soles of the feet are often caused by tissue shearing in deeper layers of the skin. These layers lie next to nerve endings, thereby producing more pain.

How long does it take for a blister to stop hurting? ›

The feet are particularly prone to blisters. Ill-fitting shoes or friction can damage the skin, and a blister forms to cushion the area from further damage as it heals. If the blister is left unpopped, the body gradually absorbs the fluid as the underlying skin recovers. This can take around one week.

How to walk with painful blisters? ›

Add a layer

Try synthetic skin: "Use products like 2nd Skin and Compeed," he says. "These small, clear bandages keep the blister protected, and if it pops, they absorb the fluid, which keeps infection at bay." Adds Goldfarb: "After exercising, remove the bandage, wash the skin around the blister, and pat it dry.

Is it safe to pop a blister on your foot? ›

New skin will form underneath the affected area and the fluid is simply absorbed. Do not puncture a blister unless it is large, painful, or likely to be further irritated. The fluid-filled blister keeps the underlying skin clean, which prevents infection and promotes healing.

How to speed up blister healing? ›

They will heal naturally on their own. However, if a blister breaks it should be cleaned often with soap and warm water. Antibacterial soap, betadine, and hydrogen peroxide can all be used to clean the area. Be sure to leave the top layer of skin on to avoid infection and help speed the healing process.

Can you shower after popping a blister? ›

For a Blister That Has Popped

Wash the area with warm water and gentle soap. Do not use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or iodine.

Is it OK to relieve the pressure from a blister? ›

Try not to pop or drain it. Leave it uncovered or cover loosely with a bandage. Try not to put pressure on the area. If the blister is in a pressure area such as the bottom of the foot, put a donut-shaped moleskin on it.

How do you walk with a painful blister? ›

Add a layer

Try synthetic skin: "Use products like 2nd Skin and Compeed," he says. "These small, clear bandages keep the blister protected, and if it pops, they absorb the fluid, which keeps infection at bay." Adds Goldfarb: "After exercising, remove the bandage, wash the skin around the blister, and pat it dry.


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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