Roblox FE R6 Animations Pack - (2024)

  1. --Youtube @demonicamente

  2. --Youtube @ohomemmaisfortedaterra

  3. save = nil

  4. c3 = function(r,g,b) return,g/255,b/255) end

  5. if not save then

  6. save = {

  7. ui = {

  8. highlightcolor = c3(33, 122, 255);

  9. errorcolor = c3(255, 0, 0);

  10. --AnimationPriority colors

  11. core = c3(65, 65, 65);

  12. idle = c3(134, 200, 230);

  13. movement = c3(114, 230, 121);

  14. action = c3(235, 235, 235);

  15. };

  16. preferences = {

  17. };

  18. custom_animations = {

  19. template = {

  20. Title = "";

  21. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://";

  22. Image = "rbxassetid://2151539455"; --not required

  23. Speed = 1;

  24. Time = 0;

  25. Weight = 1;

  26. Loop = false;

  27. R6 = true;

  28. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  29. };

  30. };

  31. }

  32. end

  33. lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

  34. m = lp:GetMouse()

  35. function getHumanoid()

  36. if not lp.Character then return nil end

  37. return lp.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")

  38. end

  39. screengui = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://02159099015")[1]

  40. screengui.Parent = game:GetService("CoreGui")

  41. main = screengui.Topbar.Main

  42. mainframe = main.MainFrame

  43. scrollframe = mainframe.ScrollingFrame

  44. items = scrollframe.Items

  45. search = scrollframe.SearchFrame.Search

  46. searchbutton = scrollframe.SearchFrame.ImageLabel.TextButton

  47. searchframe = scrollframe.SearchFrame

  48. preview = main.Preview

  49. previewimage = preview.Image

  50. previewtitle = preview.Title

  51. previewdesc = preview.Desc

  52. function draggable(gObj)

  53. local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

  54. local gui = gObj

  55. local dragging

  56. local dragInput

  57. local dragStart

  58. local startPos

  59. local function update(input)

  60. local delta = input.Position - dragStart

  61. gui.Position =, startPos.X.Offset + delta.X, startPos.Y.Scale, startPos.Y.Offset + delta.Y)

  62. end

  63. gui.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)

  64. if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then

  65. dragging = true

  66. dragStart = input.Position

  67. startPos = gui.Position

  68. input.Changed:Connect(function()

  69. if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then

  70. dragging = false

  71. end

  72. end)

  73. end

  74. end)

  75. gui.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)

  76. if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then

  77. dragInput = input

  78. end

  79. end)

  80. UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)

  81. if input == dragInput and dragging then

  82. update(input)

  83. end

  84. end)

  85. end

  86. function tween(object,style,direction,t,goal)

  87. local tweenservice = game:GetService("TweenService")

  88. local tweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle[style],Enum.EasingDirection[direction])

  89. local tween = tweenservice:Create(object,tweenInfo,goal)

  90. tween:Play()

  91. return tween

  92. end

  93. draggable(screengui.Topbar)

  94. function checkIfStudio()

  95. return game.Name ~= "Game"

  96. end

  97. if not checkIfStudio() then

  98. print'Client is not in Roblox studio'

  99. --main.Size =, 0, 0.477, 0)

  100. end

  101. search.Changed:connect(function(p)

  102. local n = 0

  103. for i,v in pairs (items:GetChildren()) do

  104. if v:IsA("TextButton") and not string.find(v.Title.Text:lower(), search.Text:lower()) then

  105. v.Visible = false

  106. elseif v:IsA("TextButton") and string.find(v.Title.Text:lower(), search.Text:lower()) then

  107. v.Visible = true

  108. n = n + 1

  109. end

  110. end

  111. if p == "Text" then

  112. if n > 0 then

  113. tween(searchframe, "Sine", "Out", 0.25, {

  114. BorderColor3 = save.ui.highlightcolor;

  115. })

  116. wait(0.25)

  117. tween(searchframe, "Sine", "In", 0.5, {

  118. BorderColor3 = c3(58, 58, 58);

  119. })

  120. else

  121. tween(searchframe, "Sine", "Out", 0.25, {

  122. BorderColor3 = save.ui.errorcolor;

  123. })

  124. wait(0.25)

  125. tween(searchframe, "Sine", "In", 0.5, {

  126. BorderColor3 = c3(58, 58, 58);

  127. })

  128. end

  129. end

  130. end)

  131. spawn(function()

  132. while wait(10) do

  133. --auto-save every 10 seconds

  134. end

  135. end)

  136. cam = workspace.CurrentCamera

  137. running = {}

  138. popAnims = {

  139. weirdsway = {

  140. Title = "Weird Sway";

  141. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://248336677";

  142. Speed = 1;

  143. Time = 0;

  144. Weight = 1;

  145. Loop = true;

  146. R6 = true;

  147. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  148. };

  149. weirdfloat = {

  150. Title = "Weird Float";

  151. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://248336459";

  152. Speed = 1;

  153. Time = 0;

  154. Weight = 1;

  155. Loop = true;

  156. R6 = true;

  157. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  158. };

  159. weirdpose = {

  160. Title = "Weird Pose";

  161. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://248336163";

  162. Speed = 1;

  163. Time = 0;

  164. Weight = 1;

  165. Loop = true;

  166. R6 = true;

  167. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  168. };

  169. carpet = {

  170. Title = "Carpet";

  171. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://282574440";

  172. Speed = 1;

  173. Time = 0;

  174. Weight = 1;

  175. Loop = true;

  176. R6 = true;

  177. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  178. };

  179. scream = {

  180. Title = "Scream";

  181. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://180611870";

  182. Speed = 1.5;

  183. Time = 0;

  184. Weight = 1;

  185. Loop = true;

  186. R6 = true;

  187. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  188. };

  189. crouch = {

  190. Title = "Crouch";

  191. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://182724289";

  192. Speed = 1;

  193. Time = 0;

  194. Weight = 1;

  195. Loop = true;

  196. R6 = true;

  197. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  198. };

  199. floatinghead = {

  200. Title = "Floating Head";

  201. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://121572214";

  202. Speed = 1;

  203. Time = 0;

  204. Weight = 1;

  205. Loop = true;

  206. R6 = true;

  207. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  208. };

  209. levitate = {

  210. Title = "Levitate";

  211. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://313762630";

  212. Speed = 1;

  213. Time = 0;

  214. Weight = 1;

  215. Loop = true;

  216. R6 = true;

  217. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  218. };

  219. floatsit = {

  220. Title = "Float Sit";

  221. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://179224234";

  222. Speed = 1;

  223. Time = 0;

  224. Weight = 1;

  225. Loop = true;

  226. R6 = true;

  227. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  228. };

  229. cloneillusion = {

  230. Title = "Clone Illusion";

  231. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://215384594";

  232. Speed = 4;

  233. Time = 0;

  234. Weight = 1;

  235. Loop = true;

  236. R6 = true;

  237. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  238. };

  239. cry = {

  240. Title = "Cry";

  241. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://180612465";

  242. Speed = 0;

  243. Time = 1.5;

  244. Weight = 1;

  245. Loop = true;

  246. R6 = true;

  247. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  248. };

  249. dab = {

  250. Title = "Dab";

  251. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://248263260";

  252. Speed = 1;

  253. Time = 0;

  254. Weight = 1;

  255. Loop = true;

  256. R6 = true;

  257. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  258. };

  259. insanelegs = {

  260. Title = "Insane Legs";

  261. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://87986341";

  262. Speed = 99;

  263. Time = 0;

  264. Weight = 1;

  265. Loop = true;

  266. R6 = true;

  267. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  268. };

  269. faint = {

  270. Title = "Faint";

  271. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://181526230";

  272. Speed = 1;

  273. Time = 0;

  274. Weight = 1;

  275. Loop = true;

  276. R6 = true;

  277. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  278. };

  279. insanerotation = {

  280. Title = "Insane Rotation";

  281. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://136801964";

  282. Speed = 99;

  283. Time = 0;

  284. Weight = 1;

  285. Loop = true;

  286. R6 = true;

  287. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  288. };

  289. spin = {

  290. Title = "Spin";

  291. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://188632011";

  292. Speed = 1;

  293. Time = 0;

  294. Weight = 1;

  295. Loop = true;

  296. R6 = true;

  297. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  298. };

  299. zombiearms = {

  300. Title = "Zombie Arms";

  301. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://183294396";

  302. Speed = 0;

  303. Time = 0;

  304. Weight = 1;

  305. Loop = true;

  306. R6 = true;

  307. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  308. };

  309. insane = {

  310. Title = "Insane";

  311. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://33796059";

  312. Speed = 99;

  313. Time = 0;

  314. Weight = 1;

  315. Loop = true;

  316. R6 = true;

  317. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  318. };

  319. neckbreak = {

  320. Title = "Neck Break";

  321. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://35154961";

  322. Speed = 0;

  323. Time = 2;

  324. Weight = 1;

  325. Loop = true;

  326. R6 = true;

  327. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  328. };

  329. headdetach = {

  330. Title = "Loop Head";

  331. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://35154961";

  332. Speed = 0;

  333. Time = 3;

  334. Weight = 1;

  335. Loop = true;

  336. R6 = true;

  337. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  338. };

  339. moondance = {

  340. Title = "Moon Dance";

  341. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://429703734";

  342. Speed = 1;

  343. Time = 0;

  344. Weight = 1;

  345. Loop = true;

  346. R6 = true;

  347. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  348. };

  349. }

  350. robloxOwns = {}

  351. ownerOwns = {}

  352. customAnims = {}

  353. function getOwnedAnimations(userid)

  354. local httpserv = game:GetService("HttpService")

  355. local owned = httpserv:GetAsync(""..userid.."/inventory/Animation?pageNumber=1&itemsPerPage=10", true)

  356. return owned

  357. end

  358. function getAnim(name)

  359. return popAnims[name] or customAnims[name]

  360. end

  361. function runAnim(info, humanoid)

  362. local animation ="Animation")

  363. animation.AnimationId = info.AnimationId

  364. local animtrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)

  365. table.insert(running,animtrack)

  366. animtrack.Priority = info.Priority

  367. animtrack.Looped = info.Loop

  368. animtrack:Play()

  369. animtrack:AdjustSpeed(info.Speed)

  370. animtrack:AdjustWeight(info.Weight)

  371. animtrack.TimePosition = info.Time

  372. animtrack.Stopped:connect(function()

  373. for i = 1,#running do

  374. if running[i] == animtrack then

  375. table.remove(running,i)

  376. end

  377. end

  378. end)

  379. return animtrack

  380. end

  381. template = items.Template

  382. template.Parent = nil

  383. function clear()

  384. for i,v in pairs (items:GetChildren()) do

  385. if v:IsA("TextButton") then

  386. v:Destroy()

  387. end

  388. end

  389. end

  390. --[[

  391. idle = {

  392. Title = "Idle";

  393. AnimationId = "rbxassetid://180435571";

  394. Speed = 1;

  395. Time = 0;

  396. Weight = 1;

  397. Loop = true;

  398. R6 = true;

  399. Priority = 2; --0, 1, 2, and 1000 are acceptable priorities

  400. };

  401. --]]

  402. function createbutton(v)

  403. local temp = template:Clone()

  404. temp.Parent = items

  405. temp.Name = v.Title

  406. temp.Title.Text = v.Title

  407. temp.Image.Image = v.Image or "rbxassetid://2151539455"

  408. if temp.Image.Image == "rbxassetid://2151539455" then

  409. temp.Image.ImageColor3 = (v.Priority == 0 and save.ui.idle) or (v.Priority == 1 and save.ui.movement) or (v.Priority == 2 and save.ui.action) or (v.Priority == 1000 and save.ui.core)

  410. else

  411. temp.Image.ImageColor3 =,1,1)

  412. end

  413. temp.LayoutOrder = math.random(1,10000)

  414. temp.Settings.AnimationId.Value = v.AnimationId

  415. temp.Settings.Loop.Value = v.Loop

  416. temp.Settings.Priority.Value = v.Priority

  417. temp.Settings.R6.Value = v.R6

  418. temp.Settings.Speed.Value = v.Speed

  419. temp.Settings.Weight.Value = v.Weight

  420. temp.Settings.Time.Value = v.Time

  421. temp.MouseEnter:connect(function()

  422. preview.Title.Text = v.Title

  423. preview.Desc.Text = "Speed: "..tostring(v.Speed).."\nPriority: "..tostring(v.Priority).."\nR6 Rig: "..tostring(v.R6).."\nAnimID: "..tostring(v.AnimationId).."\n\n"..(v.Description or "No description provided")

  424. preview.Image.Image = v.Image or "rbxassetid://2151539455"

  425. if preview.Image.Image == "rbxassetid://2151539455" then

  426. preview.Image.ImageColor3 = (v.Priority == 0 and save.ui.idle) or (v.Priority == 1 and save.ui.movement) or (v.Priority == 2 and save.ui.action) or (v.Priority == 1000 and save.ui.core)

  427. else

  428. preview.Image.ImageColor3 =,1,1)

  429. end

  430. end)

  431. temp.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()

  432. temp.Border.ImageColor3 = save.ui.highlightcolor

  433. for i,anim in pairs (running) do

  434. if anim.Animation.AnimationId == v.AnimationId then

  435. anim:Stop()

  436. return

  437. end

  438. end

  439. temp.Border.Visible = true

  440. local rAnim = runAnim(v, getHumanoid())

  441. rAnim.Stopped:connect(function()

  442. temp.Border.Visible = false

  443. end)

  444. end)

  445. return temp

  446. end

  447. dropdown = mainframe.ScrollingFrame.DropdownFrame

  448. elements = dropdown.HoldContentsFrame.Frame.Elements

  449. dropdownenabled = true

  450. tween(dropdown.HoldContentsFrame.Frame, "Linear", "In", 0, {

  451. Position =,0,-1,0)

  452. })

  453. dropdown.HoldContentsFrame.Frame.Visible = false

  454. dropdowndeactivate = screengui.DropdownDeactivate

  455. dropdowndeactivate.Visible = false

  456. function hideddown()

  457. tween(dropdown.HoldContentsFrame.Frame, "Linear", "In", 0, {

  458. Position =,0,-1,0)

  459. })

  460. dropdown.HoldContentsFrame.Frame.Visible = false

  461. dropdowndeactivate.Visible = false

  462. dropdownenabled = true

  463. for i,e in pairs (elements:GetChildren()) do

  464. if e:IsA("TextButton") then

  465. e.BackgroundColor3 = c3(46,46,46)

  466. end

  467. end

  468. end

  469. dropdown.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()

  470. print'ddownclick'

  471. dropdownenabled = not dropdownenabled

  472. if dropdownenabled then

  473. hideddown()

  474. else

  475. tween(dropdown.HoldContentsFrame.Frame, "Linear", "In", 0.3, {

  476. Position =,0,0,0)

  477. })

  478. dropdown.HoldContentsFrame.Frame.Visible = true

  479. dropdowndeactivate.Visible = true

  480. end

  481. end)

  482. dropdowndeactivate.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()

  483. hideddown()

  484. end)

  485. for i,v in pairs (elements:GetChildren()) do

  486. if v:IsA("TextButton") then

  487. v.MouseEnter:connect(function()

  488. for i,e in pairs (elements:GetChildren()) do

  489. if e:IsA("TextButton") then

  490. e.BackgroundColor3 = c3(46,46,46)

  491. end

  492. end

  493. v.BackgroundColor3 = save.ui.highlightcolor

  494. end)

  495. v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()

  496. hideddown()

  497. dropdown.TextLabel.Text = v.Name

  498. sort(v.Name)

  499. end)

  500. end

  501. end

  502. function sort(category)

  503. clear()

  504. if category == "Popular" then

  505. for i,v in pairs (popAnims) do

  506. local temp = createbutton(v)

  507. end

  508. elseif category == "By Roblox" then

  509. end

  510. end

  511. game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:connect(function()

  512. items.Parent.CanvasSize =,0,0,items.GridLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y + 50)

  513. end)

  514. sort("Popular")

Roblox FE R6 Animations Pack - (2024)


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Article information

Author: Stevie Stamm

Last Updated:

Views: 6003

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.