Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (2024)

This crash course on Excel is the quickest way to learn Excel.

I’ve taken what I learned from teaching Microsoft Excel for 10 years and compressed it into a 7-part free Excel course that teaches you Excel in 30 minutes.

In short: If you want to be more productive at work, land your dream job, do basic data analysis, and not fall behind your colleagues, this isthe free Excel tutorial for you.

Scroll down and hone your Excel skills now!

1: Get started

Start your journey on learning Excel, right here!

Get started...

2: Formulas

Excel is like a calculator… only a gazillion times faster!

Learn formulas

3: References

References make formulas faster and more scalable.

Learn references

4: Basic Functions

Functions are tools for every situation.

Learn basic functions

5: Filters

Turn big datasets into small ones and gain insight.

Learn filters

6: Formatting

Make your spreadsheet easy on the eyes.

Learn formatting

7: Advanced Functions

Learn IF, SUMIF, and COUNTIF in the last chapter!

Learn advanced functions

What's next?

Now there are 2 things you need to do…

Continue learning Excel

Topic #1: Getting started with Excel

One of the great things about Excel spreadsheets is the structure.

It’s just so mesmerizing for data-geeks (like me!).

Not a data geek? 😎

Let me fill you in.

Any Microsoft Excel spreadsheet consists of rows (horizontal) and columns (vertical).

The intersection between a row and a column forms a cell.

If you left-click on a cell and start typing, you can store information like text or numbers in a cell.

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (1)

This is the foundation ofeverything in Excel.

This row/column grid is used to store information in thousands (even millions) of cells at once.

Using this for keeping track of information is fine…

But the true power of Excel lies within its capabilities to work with the cells and give meaning to them.

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (2)Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

The next topic covers a very fundamental part of Excel: how to do calculations with cells.

But before diving into that, you need to know how to use the Excel ribbon, sheets, saving files, and how to copy/paste.

If you want a quick tour of this, read my guide on ‘How to use Excel’ here.

Note: this guide is written in Excel 2019 for Windows. But you can follow along if you have Excel 2010 or newer.

Already got that covered?


Then let’s move on to doing calculations with cells using formulas.

Topic #2: Calculating with ‘Formulas’

So, you’ve got the basics of the basics covered…

Now, I’m going to blow your mind💣

Have you met those people who store numbers in Excel and then pull out an actual calculator to add or subtract?

Maybe you do that yourself?

You’re breaking my heart💔

I promise you: You don’t have to do that ever again.

Excel does everything your calculator does – only agazillion times faster!

Just type an equal sign in a cell and start calculating.

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (3)

Type your formula, hit ‘Enter’ and the result will show in the cell.

Easy-peasy, right?

Now, go burn all your calculators🔥

Of course, you can do many types of calculations within Excel. And they all have their own symbol, called an ‘operator’.

For instance:

Use + for addition and – for subtraction (makes sense, right?)

Use / for division

Use * for multiplication

Read my guide to all specific calculations within Excel here.

“Kasper, you told me formulas was going to blow my mind… But they don’t seem much better than a normal calculator?”

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (4)You

Oh yeah, sorry…

A formula, on its own, is no miracle.

But it will be in a few seconds!

Topic#3: Put your formulas on steroids with ‘References’

Formulas themselves are not real game-changers – because they’re basically big calculators.

But when you use the cells in a spreadsheet inside the formulas, that’s when it takes off!

Now, let’s take this free Excel course to the next level🚀

A reference is a cell address, that you put in a formula like this:


What’s the result of this formula?

I don’t know…🤷

It depends on whatever is in cell E5.

The E5 part of the formula is areference to cell E5, that mirrors the value in the cell.

If you type 20 in cell E5, the result of the formula is 5, as illustrated here:

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This is huge!

That means you can calculate things at a much bigger scale, much faster than you ever could.

Here, I’ve found the differences between start and end values by typing =B2-A2 in cell C2 and copying it down to the cells below.

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (6)

Cool, right?

That’s the sort of things you can do with references. Andmuchmore.

References are an integral part of working with Excel.

But there’s more to it than this.

Read my guide here to learn everything you need to know about references.

Topic#4: Getting started with ‘Functions’

Until now, you’ve learned most of the crucial building blocks of workingwith Excel and notagainstit.

But there are still a few left.

Functions are one of these fundamental Excel-features you absolutelyneed to use.

Functions are small snippets of pre-made formula that does something specific🔨

The SUM function sums up numbers.

The MIN function finds the lowest number in a bunch of cells.

Guess what the MAX function does?

Many of the simple (but useful) functions are almost identical.

So, when you know how to use one, you know how to use them all👍

In the image below, I use the SUM function to sum up the values in cell D2 through D6.

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (7)

Want to find thelowest value in column D?

Replace ‘SUM’ with ‘MIN’:


Formulas vs. functions – what’s the difference?

A formula and a function arenot the same.

A function is always a part of a formula, but a formula is never a part of a function.

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (8)

Cool, right?

And there are functions for all your needs and wants in Excel.

You can use functions to find averages,count stuff,work with dates, and much more!

Oh, and here are my guides to the SUM and MIN/MAX functions, if you want to dive deeper.

Topic#5: Making sense of data with ‘Filters’

Eventually, you’re going to face a spreadsheet that’s too big to make any sense.

I coped with this by going to the bathroom to cry😢

Until a friend told me a better way…

A filter turns your big dataset into a smaller dataset that shows you exactly what you’re looking for.

  1. Select a cell in your dataset
  2. Go to the ‘Data’ tab
  3. Click the ‘Filter’ button
  4. Click the small arrow next to the column you want to filter
  5. Filter away the stuff you don’t want to see and click ‘OK’.

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (9)

Here, I’ve filtered the dataset, so it only shows orders made by Aubrey.

In a big spreadsheet, this would’ve taken me forever to find.

Filters are great for data analysis!

Excel contains more great tools for data analysis like sorting, advanced filters, and freezing panes. Learn all this (+ much more) in my premium Excel-training, Zero to Hero.

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (10)Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

Topic#6: Put your make up on with ‘Formatting’

Spreadsheets look inherently boring…

But they don’t have to!

With a few tricks, you can make your spreadsheet easy on the eyes in less than 60 seconds⏱️

Follow these steps:

  1. Put borders around headers
  2. Change cell color in header cells
  3. Insert a thousand separator in big numbers

And it’ll look like this:

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (11)

Looks pretty good for a standard spreadsheet, right?

You do the coloring and the borders by selecting cells and using the formatting tools in the ‘Home’ tab.

You insert the thousand separators with number formatting, making the numbers more readable👀

Pro-tip: Format painter

If you see any formatting you like, you can easily copy it to your own sheet with the format painter.

Read all about it here.

Topic#7: Advanced functions

Oh, you’re in for a treat🍭

Excel contains functions that do much more than finding totals or minimum values.

The IF function enables your formula to react to what’s in other cells and change accordingly.

Let’s use the IF function to calculate the commission for our staff.

If the price of an order is above 100,000 the commission is 5% of the price.

If the price is 100,000 or below, the commission is 3%.

The formula to calculate that is:


In Excel, it looks like this:

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (12)

Pretty cool, right?

IF brings logic to your cells. And this logic is used in many other functions as well.

Among some of the most powerful are: SUMIF, COUNTIF, and nested IF functions.

That’s it

You just completed my to-the-point Excel crash course and improved your Excel skills tremendously.

Well done💪🏼

Now, although powerful, this was just an introduction to Excel.

There’s much more for you to learn, and all of it (at least when it comes from me) will help you advance your productivity and career.

Now what?

You’re off to a great start with Excel😊

Now I want you to do 2 things:

#1: Sign up for my free email course

We save the best for our subscribers.

Try my free online course that doubles your productivity in Excel.

Get my 3 video lessons that adapt to your skill level.

Click here and sign up for my free email course

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (13)

#2: Check out my flagship course “Zero to Hero”

In “Zero to Hero” you become an Excel-superuser in just 14 hours.

Join 1000s of students who have already transformed their lives.

I cover everything from formulas to pivot tables and VBA.

Learn more about Zero to Hero

Become an Excel-superuser

About the author

Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (15)

I’m Kasper Langmann, co-founder of Spreadsheeto, and a certified Microsoft Office Specialist (cool, huh?).

I’ve worked with everything Excel for 10 years and have more than 7 years of experience teaching it online.

You can learn more about me here.

Kasper Langmann2023-02-15T02:12:17+00:00
Excel Crash Course: Learn Excel in Just 30 Minutes (Free) (2024)


How to learn Excel fast for free? ›

The GoSkills Excel in an Hour course is a free Excel tutorial for beginners, designed to help complete newbies be able to crush everyday Excel tasks with ease. In this Excel crash course, quickly learn the most common formulas, functions, and tools needed to increase your overall knowledge and proficiency with Excel.

Is there a free Excel course for beginners? ›

You can learn Excel quickly by using the free online platform Alison. We have many Excel courses and you can begin learning at once and work at a pace that suits you. To enrol in a course, you simply register for your free Alison account. Download the app to be able to follow the course on your smartphone.

Is there a crash course for Excel? ›

Excel Crash Course: Grow Better with Microsoft Excel Skills

Learn how to import, clean, and manage large data sets in HubSpot Academy's Excel Crash Course! Explore data analysis essentials such as table creation, data filtering, and pivot table use.

How to do 30 minutes in Excel? ›

Type = sign, then click A7 (which contains the time of day, 10:00 a.m.), then type a + sign, TIME, left parenthesis, 1 (for the number of hours we want to add), comma, 30 (for the minutes we want to add), 0 (for the seconds), a closing parenthesis, and press Enter. And we have our calculated time of 11:30 a.m.

How can I learn Excel quickly? ›

How to master Excel quickly in 12 steps
  1. Get comfortable navigating the interface. ...
  2. Learn some useful shortcuts. ...
  3. Freeze panes. ...
  4. Understand Excel formulas. ...
  5. Learn how to create a simple drop-down list. ...
  6. Visualize key data with conditional formatting. ...
  7. Get things done faster with Flash Fill.

How can I improve my Excel skills for free? ›

  1. Free Excel Courses and Resources.
  2. Excel Self-Assessment Tool.
  3. Free Excel Online Exercises.
  4. Excel Basics – Zero to Hero.
  5. Excel Tests.
  6. Top 10 formulas and functions in Excel.
  7. Vlookup – Tutorial with Example and Exercise Sheet.
  8. Pivot Tables Tutorial.

Can I learn basic Excel in one day? ›

Although it's possible to gain a basic understanding of Excel's interface and core functions in just a few hours, it can require additional time and study to master its more complex capabilities. It takes most Excel users approximately 18-20 hours to fully learn this spreadsheet application.

How long does it take to learn Excel for beginners? ›

An Excel course for beginners provides foundational skills in just one day or over four evenings. If you have existing Excel skills, you can learn new skills in one-day by attending an advanced Excel course that teaches advanced functions.

What program is like Excel but free? ›

Google Docs Spreadsheet

Essentially, Google Docs Spreadsheet is Google's own version of an Excel-like spreadsheet application; the only differences are that it's available for free, without having to download anything to your desktop.

Why is Excel so difficult to learn? ›

There are several reasons many people find it difficult to learn Excel, including the broad capabilities and the many functions and formulas that are part of the app.

What is the hardest thing to learn in Excel? ›

What is the hardest thing to learn in Excel? VBA is Excel's most difficult area. Most people indicate they have difficulty writing macros, automating parts of their work, comprehending VBA, and designing Excel apps.

What is the 30 day Excel crash course? ›

This 30-day crash course consists of 30 video lessons from basics to advanced that you can buy for just Rs 99. This 30-day Excel crash course offers a series of step-by-step guides through video tutorials that will help you learn Excel from basics to advanced.

How to do every 15 minutes in Excel? ›

Generating Incremental Time Series

After entering the initial time, drag the fill handle down to generate a series of time values, each incremented by 15 minutes. Use the formula =A2+TIME(0,15,0) in the subsequent cell (assuming A2 contains the initial time) and drag down to fill the series.

How do I write 1 minute in Excel? ›


The MINUTE function uses only one argument: Serial_number (required argument) – The time that contains the minute we want to find.

How many days it will take to learn Excel? ›

If you only need basic Excel skills such as the ability to create new sheets, enter data, and perform basic formatting, you can learn these basic Excel skills in a single day with an introductory Excel class for beginners.

How long does it take to learn Excel completely? ›

The Short Answer

Expert level Excel topics might take you another 6-10 days and then for specialist topics, reckon on between 90 and 150 hours of learning before you'd be ready to take a MOS exam, but a life time of learning if you really want to become a virtuoso Excel guru.

Can I learn Excel in 15 days? ›

The complete duration of learning Microsoft Excel is completely dependent upon your power to grasp and learn concepts. If you are quick in learning, it will only take less than 2 weeks to be a basic level Excel user with help of 'keySkillser' and then continue to practice as much as you can.


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.