Assorted Cupcakes & Puppy Plush Gift Bundle (2024)

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    /g, "").replace(/Days/g, "td").replace(//g, "").replace(/Timing/g, "td"); var tempd = "
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    " + res[index].TimingsMessage + "

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"&RID=" + RID : "")); } } function GetArrangementSize() { $("#divSizes").load(""+ArrangementSizeProductID + ((RID != null && RID != 0) ? "&RID=" + RID : "") + "&StoreID=" + -2147483648 + "&ServiceOption=" + 0+ "&AvailibilityIsSet=" +false + "&SelectedDate=" + '12%3a00%3a00+AM' + "&t="+new Date().getTime(),function(){ if (($('#divSizes .o').length >= 1 || isArrangementByob || isArrangementCyoa) && !$('#divSizes .o').hasClass("sel")) { $('#divSizes .o')[0].click(); } SetDefaultSize(); if( $("#divSizes .spnSize").length <= 1){ $("#divSizes #divChooseSize").hide(); } }); var imgSource = $("#imgArrangement").attr("src"); if(imgSource.indexOf('/a/') != -1){ var imgName = imgSource.split('/a/'); if(ServiceOption == 3){ var isAvailableForShipment = 'False'; if (isAvailableForShipment == true){ $("#imgArrangement").attr("src", imgName[0] + "/a/" + "shp_" + imgName[1]); } else{ $("#imgArrangement").attr("src", imgName[0] + "/a/" + imgName[1]); } } else{ $("#imgArrangement").attr("src", imgName[0] + "/a/" + imgName[1]); } } } function GetArrangementSleeve() { if (isArrangementByob == false && isArrangementCyoa == false) { $("#divSleeves").load("" + ArrangementSizeID + "&sproductID=" + ArrangementSizeProductID + ((RID != null && RID != 0) ? "&RID=" + RID : "") + "&StoreID=" + StoreID + "&ServiceOption=" + ServiceOption + "&AvailibilityIsSet=" +false + "&SelectedDate=" + '12%3a00%3a00+AM' + "&t=" + new Date().getTime(), function () { }); var imgSource = $("#imgArrangement").attr("src"); if (imgSource.indexOf('/a/') != -1) { var imgName = imgSource.split('/a/'); if (ServiceOption == 3) { var isAvailableForShipment = 'False'; if (isAvailableForShipment == true) { $("#imgArrangement").attr("src", imgName[0] + "/a/" + "shp_" + imgName[1]); } else { $("#imgArrangement").attr("src", imgName[0] + "/a/" + imgName[1]); } } else { $("#imgArrangement").attr("src", imgName[0] + "/a/" + imgName[1]); } } } } // GTM TRACKING CODE UPDATE function CreateGTMDataLayer() { try { var price = ''; if ($('#divSizes .spnSize.sel').length > 0) { price = formatCurrencyAsDecimalNumber($('#divSizes .spnSize.sel').attr("data-price")); } else { price = $('#divSizes .spnSize:first').length && formatCurrencyAsDecimalNumber($('#divSizes .spnSize:first').attr("data-price")); } if (!price) { price = "0.00" } var productCode = ''; if ($('#spnProductCode').length > 0) { productCode = $('.spnProductCode').html(); if ($('.spnName').length > 0) { if ($('#divSizes .spnSize.sel').length > 0) { productCode += '-' + $('#divSizes .spnSize.sel .spnName').html(); } else { productCode += '-' + $('#divSizes .spnName:first').html(); } } } // Get page and product inage var gtmItem = { productId: productCode.replace(/\s/g, ''), pageType: "productDetail", totalValue: price } setDataLayer(gtmItem); } catch (e) { } } function CreateProductGT() { // Get page and product inage var productGtag = { value: '', currency: currencyType, items: [] } var productCode = ''; if ($('#spnProductCode').length > 0) { productCode = $('.spnProductCode').html(); if ($('.spnName').length > 0) { if ($('#divSizes .spnSize.sel').length > 0) { productCode += '-' + $('#divSizes .spnSize.sel .spnName').html(); } else { productCode += '-' + $('#divSizes .spnName:first').html(); } } } $('.spnSize').each(function (index, val) { var productItem = { item_id: productCode, item_name: "Assorted Cupcakes & Puppy Plush Gift Bundle", index: index, item_category: "For Kids", price: $(val).attr("regularsizeprice").replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""), quantity: 1 }; productGtag.items.push(productItem); }); var viewItemJson = 'gtag("event", "view_item,' + JSON.stringify(productGtag) + ');'; $('#ctl00_cpBody_litGAViewItem').val(viewItemJson); } $(function(){ CreateGTMDataLayer(); CreateProductGT(); // GTM TRACKING CODE UPDATEif ($('#divSizes .o').length >= 1) {$('#divSizes .o')[0].click(); } SetDefaultSize();if( $("#divSizes .spnSize").length <= 1){$("#divSizes #divChooseSize").hide();} }); function showErrorMessage(msg){ $("#errMsg .alertMsg").html(msg); $("#errMsg").show(); ScrollToDiv("errMsg"); } function hideErrorMessage(){ $("#errMsg .alertMsg").html(""); $("#errMsg").hide(); } function jAlert(msg){ $("#divError2 #divErrormsg").html(msg); $("#divError2 #sprite_cross").html(""); $("#divError2").show(); $("#divError2 a")[0].focus(); } function jAlertHide(){ $("#divError2 span").html(""); $("#divError2").hide(); $("#divSizes .o").removeAttr("style"); } function jAlertSleeve(msg) { if(msg == "No Sleeve Available"){ $("#divSleeveError span").html("Customized sleeve is not available with this product, would you like to continue with Default sleeve?"); $("#divSleeveError").show(); $(".chooseSleeve").show(); $("#divSleeveError a")[0].focus(); } else if (msg == "Sleeve not available for all stores") { $("#divSleeveError span:eq(1)").html("Selected sleeve is currently not available for " + (ServiceOption==1?"delivery":ServiceOption==2?"pickup":ServiceOption==3?"shipment":"WalkIn") +". Please choose from the available sleeve(s)"); $("#divSleeveError").show(); $(".chooseSleeve").show(); $("#divSleeveError a")[0].focus(); } else { $("#divSleeveError span").html(); $("#divSleeveError").show(); $(".chooseSleeve").show(); $("#divSleeveError a")[0].focus(); } } function jAlertHideSleeve(){ //$("#divSleeveError span").html(""); $("#divSleeveError").hide(); }// Store Selection request to AdobeFor Pick up and Deliveryfunction pushStoreDataToAdobe(_zipCode, _serviceOption) {try {if ($("._dvStoreList a.rdbli").length > 0) {var SelectedStore = $("._dvStoreList a.checked");pushAdobeAnalytics({ev: "4",evn: "store selected",zc: _zipCode,st: (_serviceOption == 1) ? "hand delivered": (_serviceOption == 2) ? "pickup": (_serviceOption == 3) ? "shipment": "Not Specified",szc: $(SelectedStore).attr("data-zc"),sn: $(SelectedStore).attr("data-sn"),dis: $(SelectedStore).attr("data-dis") });}} catch (e) { }} // Store Selection request to Adobe For Shipment Storefunction pushShipmentStoreDataToAdobe(_zipCode, _serviceOption, _storeZipcode, _storeNumber) { var SelectedStore = $("._dvStoreList a.checked"); pushAdobeAnalytics({ ev: "4", evn: "store selected", zc: _zipCode, st: "shipment", szc: _storeZipcode, sn: _storeNumber, dis: "hand delivered"//Sending distnace as "Hand Delivered" }); }

    Assorted Cupcakes & Puppy Plush Gift Bundle (2) Shown: Madagascar Vanilla Bean Cupcakes

    Product Code: 6341

    In-store Pickup Only

    Please choose an option by clicking the box below:

    Madagascar Vanilla Bean Cupcakes $35.98 $35.98 Chocolate Truffle Cupcakes $35.98 $35.98 Celebration Cupcakes $35.98 $35.98

    Quantity: Serves:


    Ever tried cuddling with a cupcake? 0/10. We DO NOT recommend. Cuddling with Brownie the Puppy, though? We can't recommend it enough. That's why our Assorted Cupcakes & Puppy Plush Gift Bundle is crafted with the best of both: an adorable, huggable plush and four sweet cupcakes in an assortment of Chocolate Truffle, Madagascar Vanilla, and sweet Celebration flavors.

    Product does not come with plate. Allergy Warning: Edible Arrangements® products may contain peanuts and/or tree nuts. We recommend that you take the necessary precautions based on any related allergies.


    Celebration Cupcake

    Chocolate Truffle Cupcake

    Madagascar Vanilla Bean Cupcake


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    Assorted Cupcakes & Puppy Plush Gift Bundle (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Nathanael Baumbach

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6419

    Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

    Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Nathanael Baumbach

    Birthday: 1998-12-02

    Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

    Phone: +901025288581

    Job: Internal IT Coordinator

    Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

    Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.