50 Journal Topics For High School Students - TheHighSchooler (2024)

What if there is life beyond Earth and an alien is sending you signals? Such thoughts are sure to pop into your mind at least once. These abstract thoughts and wild imagination are a part of everyday living. But what if you could express it all in a creative way?

An essential tool journaling is one of the best ways to express your abstract thoughts, unbelievable incidents, or one of the weirdest dreams of life. Right from feeling it all inside to putting it out on paper, you can experience a change of perspectives within you. As you record the instances of everyday life, you are reminding yourself to do better tomorrow and be happier tomorrow. That’s exactly why journaling is a crucial aspect for high school students.

With innovative journaling topics, you can now draft your thoughts with freedom. To make it an engaging affair, feel free to use colorful sketch pens, pictures, or drawings that inspire. This article will take you through different journaling topics that are a combination of mystery, knowledge, personal experiences, and abstract ideas. Check out these topics and choose the one that inspires you the most.

Interesting journal topics for high schoolers

Journaling is a great way for students to explore beyond just words and phrases. The recording of moments or imagination is a powerful way to strengthen knowledge and self-identification. Through innovative journaling topics, high schoolers are likely to empower their learning skills alongside creativity, critical thinking, and overall personal development.

1. Imaginative Writing Topics

Using imagination for writing is one of the best ways to foster creative thinking skills. As students are encouraged to think beyond their everyday lives, they are more likely to broaden their mindset and think of life from a large picture.

  1. If you could travel back in time, what would you do? Describe your experiences and the people you meet on your journey.
  2. How does the best life on earth look according to you? Talk about the landscapes, developments, and differences in today’s world.
  3. A mysterious door in your home leads to another world. What is it about? Describe the journey to this new world.
  4. You’ve just found a treasure amidst the forest. What does it have? Describe what you do with this treasure and how it impacts your life.
  5. What does the future look like 50 years from now? Talk about the changes in the world and developments you think would exist then.
  6. What if you get to meet extraterrestrial beings like aliens? Write about your excitement and communication with them.
  7. What lies beyond the Earth? Talk about the existence of various galaxies or any other planet.
  8. You wake up to know that you exchanged bodies with someone else. Who is this person and what would you do next?
  9. An angel from heaven is ready to complete your wishes. What would you ask for?
  10. Imagine a world without any sunlight. How would it be?

2. Abstract Writing Topics

Abstract ideas are the ones that do not have any right or wrong. Such writing topics help students freely explore their thoughts and enter into a zone of writing that has no boundaries. It embraces their communication and helps with the smooth transition of thoughts into words.

  1. Where does happiness lie? Talk about the essence of joy and how to find it.
  2. True Meaning of Life: Existence of being and purpose of each soul on the Earth
  3. Are dreams messengers of reality living? Talk about how they shape our everyday lives or impact us in some way.
  4. What is Freedom for you? Describe various aspects of freedom and present your ideas for it.
  5. The power of now: What is it to live today and think about the present?
  6. Aspects of Human Nature. Describe human relationships, perspectives, and perceptions that shape society.
  7. Concept of Beauty: Why is it different for everyone? What is it in reality?
  8. Interconnection of nature and mind. Talk about fusion and its impact on lives.
  9. Timing of life! Describe how it impacts many different situations, shapes the future, and can destroy the presence
  10. Complexity of Memory: Why do we remember some parts and forget some? What’s the philosophy behind this?

3. Personal Experiences and Beliefs

Journaling about personal experiences is more like recording life instances and learning from them. Students have their own beliefs and experiences that hold value in their lives. Journaling them helps to create a sense of belonging with such happenings. It gives them clarity about thoughts and the happening and later helps with decision-making.

  1. Describe the time when you faced a fear and how you overcame the situation. Talk about what it taught you and how.
  2. Write a situation about failure and talk about its impact on your life. Mention how you coped with it
  3. Talk about your beliefs about the existence of the world and the powers of the Universe
  4. Mention the best trip of your life and talk about the places you covered. Describe your experience connecting with new people.
  5. Write about a situation where you felt lost or experienced a loss in life. How did you deal with it and what did you do to overcome it?
  6. Reflect on a time when your perspective about life changed and how. Talk about the incident and change of thoughts.
  7. Write about your childhood days, your time with friends and family, and how you enjoyed your summer vacations back then
  8. Mention about a time when you went through a major change in life. How did you face it and what have you learned from it?
  9. Describe moments of pride when you achieved something worthy in life. Talk about the feelings and sense of accomplishment
  10. Write about an art or expression form you love. Talk about how it makes you feel and why you like doing it.

4. The List of Top 10 Topics

When journaling gets personal or you are out of creative topics, considering the list of Top 10 never goes out of style. These topics are curated to tap into different areas of life including personal beliefs, experiences, education, situational-based incidents, and a lot more.

  1. Top 10 Secrets of the World you want to know
  2. Top 10 mysterious places you want to explore
  3. Top 10 foods you want to try at least once in life
  4. Top 10 books you want to read and why
  5. Top 10 professions you want to experience and why
  6. Top 10 beliefs you have about life and existence
  7. Top 10 adventure activities you want to try once in a lifetime
  8. Top 10 things you want to do before life ends
  9. Top 10 things you want to discover in the world
  10. Top 10 TV shows you want to be a part of and why

5. Everyday Journaling Topics

Journaling something daily builds a close relationship with knowing oneself and discovering various aspects of personal life. It helps students learn and know about their self-concept and self-image beliefs. They are likely to understand their emotional and mental ability to tackle situations in everyday living.

  1. Write about your hobbies and which one you like the most
  2. Talk about the influence of role models and people around you
  3. Share your thoughts on friendships and ever-evolving relationships
  4. Describe situations where you have helped others and how you feel
  5. Write about the most common emotions you feel in a day
  6. Share your thoughts about gratitude in everyday life and how you feel about it
  7. Write about the challenges you face and how you deal with them
  8. Talk about the best moments of your every single day
  9. Describe the times you have found peace and calm from stress and how?
  10. Mention the self-care practices like yoga, meditation, or exercise that you indulge in

Journaling for Students: What Does Research Say?

While journaling has many emotional and mental benefits, it is significant to note that various studies have been conducted to test its impact. Let’s check different researches and studies that help understand the impact of journaling.

Helpful research[1] was conducted to understand the impact of journaling on self-efficacy and locus of control. For this, undergraduate students were divided into two groups. One group received cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) while the other did not. Both groups were involved in journaling assignments throughout the process. The findings reveal that journaling had a valuable impact on self-efficacy and locus of control. It can be said that journaling has various psychological benefits too.

Another study[2] reveals the various benefits of journaling that impact the mind. It is believed that journaling plays an important role in self-reflection. As students practice journaling, they are likely to become better at goal setting and discovering their behavior. It helps with active learning as well as critical thinking for individuals.

Moreover, journaling has been found to be effective[3] in stress management and practicing gratitude. The research involved engaging students in stress management techniques combined with gratitude journaling. The findings reveal a positive difference in students. It is stated that this combination created a sense of meaningfulness in students. Hence, it can be concluded that journaling at any stage of life equips individuals with a better understanding of self.

Wrapping Up

Journaling is a great tool to enhance the personal development of high school students. Different topics enable students to think out of the box and share ideas that are unique. As students can go limitless in drafting their thoughts, they are more likely to explore the best version of communication and freedom.

Along with journaling, you can also incorporate self-esteem activities for high school students to offer a diversified learning platform. It is important to note that journaling is a creative process and encouragement from teachers can create a positive impact on students.


  1. Fritson, K. K. (2008). Impact of Journaling on Students’ Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control. InSight : A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 3, 75–83. https://doi.org/10.46504/03200809fr
  2. Blake, T. (2005). Journaling; An Active Learning Technique. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.2202/1548-923x.1116
  3. Flinchbaugh, C. L., G. Moore, E. W., Chang, Y. K., & May, D. R. (2011). Student Well-Being Interventions. Journal of Management Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/1052562911430062

50 Journal Topics For High School Students - TheHighSchooler (1)

Sananda Bhattacharya

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin


50 Journal Topics For High School Students - TheHighSchooler (2024)


50 Journal Topics For High School Students - TheHighSchooler? ›

Write about what's going on in your life.

This includes things like the activities you're doing, events that happen, and accomplishments you make. Use your journal to record what your life is like right now so you can look back on it later. This is a great way to help you document things you want to remember.

What is the best journal topic? ›

Journal Prompts Examples
  • Self Care and Wellness.
  • Philosophy and Beliefs.
  • Career and Professional Life.
  • Creative Endeavors.
  • Personal Anecdotes and Stories.
  • Hobbies and Free Time.
  • Life Milestones.
  • Dreams and Imagination.

What prompts are in the 5 minute journal? ›

How to REALLY do The Five Minute Journal
  • 4:00-11:30 - Question 1 - What are you grateful for? Keeping the Five Minute Journal fresh.
  • 11:30-18:00 - Question 2 - What would make today great? Focusing on tiny great things.
  • 19:00-22:45 - Question 3 - Daily Affirmation. I am… Becoming who you want to be.

How to write a journal entry for high school? ›

Write about what's going on in your life.

This includes things like the activities you're doing, events that happen, and accomplishments you make. Use your journal to record what your life is like right now so you can look back on it later. This is a great way to help you document things you want to remember.

What are the journal questions for success? ›

Journaling prompts for success
  • What comes up for you when you think about the word 'success'? ...
  • Looking back at your life so far, what moments/events felt successful to you? ...
  • Did anyone else have any involvement with these moments/events feeling successful? ...
  • Is your current definition of success working for you?
Apr 5, 2024

What are the 4 commonly used journals? ›

Special journals are designed as a simple way to record the most frequently occurring transactions. There are four types of Special Journals that are frequently used by merchandising businesses: Sales journals, Cash receipts journals, Purchases journals, and Cash payments journals.

What is the most common journal? ›

The most common size is handheld, often referred-to as Medium size, in US measure that would be about 6x9 inches or A5 size. Pocket-sized journals are typically around 3.5 x 5.5 inches or A6, making them a convenient size to carry around in a bag or pocket.

How do I find myself journal prompts? ›

100 Journal Prompts for Self-discovery
  1. When I was a child, I loved to...
  2. What gets me excited to wake up in the morning?
  3. When I think of the impact I want to make, I think about doing...
  4. What is most important to me in my life?
  5. When do I feel most alive?
  6. Make a list of things that bring you joy.
Nov 18, 2021

What could have made today better? ›

Here's what I have recognised I could have done better, even on my best days.
  • 1) I could have celebrated victories less. ...
  • 2) I could have wasted less time. ...
  • 3) I could have spent less time thinking about the future and what was coming next. ...
  • 4) I could have invested myself more fully and wholly in my relationships.
May 16, 2019

What would make today great examples of a 5 minute journal? ›

They can be as simple as “tell my wife I love her”, “get outside today,” or “smile at the barista today.” If thinking of 3 great things each day seems overwhelming, focus on ONE thing for the day--one thing that if completed would leave you satisfied with your day.

What are journal writing examples? ›

20 Journaling Examples to Inspire Your Practice
  • Gratitude Journal.
  • Travel Journal.
  • Bullet Journal.
  • Reflective Journaling.
  • Daily Reflections Journal.
  • Art Journal.
  • Mood Journal.
  • Goal-Setting Journaling.
Mar 10, 2023

What is a journal entry example? ›

For example, a company that purchases new supplies creates an expense in its office supplies account. This also reduces the company's assets since it purchased the supplies with cash to make the purchase. The company would debit its office supplies account and credit its cash account.

How do you pass a journal? ›

In order to pass a journal entry, the details of a transaction are to be entered into the company's books. Journal entries can also be considered as records of financial transactions that flow in and out of a business. These transactions get recorded in the general journal.

How to make a good journal? ›

Journaling Writing: Step-by-Step
  1. Step 1: Choose a journal. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a comfortable and inspiring writing environment. ...
  3. Step 3: Begin with a simple warm-up. ...
  4. Step 4: Choose a topic, journal prompt, or template. ...
  5. Step 5: Write freely and openly. ...
  6. Step 6: Reflect and review what you've written.
Jan 4, 2024

What topics should I write in my journal? ›

What to write in your journal when nothing comes to mind
  • Personal or career goals.
  • A list of things and people you're grateful for.
  • Motivational quotes that inspire you.
  • Reflections or revelations about your past self.
  • Questions you hope to answer at a later date.
  • Things you want to improve.
Apr 30, 2024

How do you choose a journal note topic? ›

Topic Selection
  1. Choose a General Area. The first way to narrow the field of research is to choose an area that interests you. ...
  2. Immerse Yourself. Start reading. ...
  3. Consult Experts. Your summer job can be a great way of finding a Note topic. ...
  4. Interdisciplinary Work. ...
  5. Circuit Splits. ...
  6. Consider Other Sources. ...
  7. Further Reading.

What is a good journal article? ›

The strongest journal articles usually have one point to make. They make that point powerfully, back it up with evidence, and position it within the field.

What things should I write in my journal? ›

Your journal writing topic could simply be a record of the day's events or your memories of a recent personal experience. You may also want to explore a reflection, goal, idea, or delve into answering a journal prompt you found online or in a book.


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.