31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School (2024)

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31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School
Story by McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett •

From the hidden figures who made an impact, essential Black inventors, change-making civil rights leaders, award-winning authors, and showstopping 21st-century women, Black American history is incredibly rich. Resources like BlackPast.org, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and the Library of Congress are great ways to learn little-known facts about Black history and broaden your understanding of the culture. We’ve gathered a few choice bits of trivia, spanning various topics that will inspire you to take your research well beyond Black History Month, and share the information with friends and family. You’ll never run out of things to learn, and who knows? These iconic figures might even motivate you to shoot for the stars in your own life and career.

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poetry, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, in 1773. Born in the Gambia and sold to the Wheatley family in Boston when she was 7 years old, Wheatley was emancipated shortly after her book was released.
“Bars Fight,” written by poet and activist Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American. Terry was enslaved in Rhode Island as a toddler but became free at age 26 after marrying a free Black man.

Clotel: The President’s Daughter was the first novel published by an African American, in 1853. It was written by abolitionist and lecturer William Wells Brown.

READ MORE: 31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/31-black...

Posted By: Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 10:00PM
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31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School


Story by McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poetry..in 1773.

Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American.

in 1853. The President’s Daughter was written by abolitionist and lecturer William Wells Brown.


Posted By: Deacon Ron Gray
Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 10:00PM
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As an Educator of 50 years to Americans I always Teach that:

1. September 9, 1776, the Continental Congress declares the name “United States” of America.

This replaced the term “United Colonies..

2. July 9, 1868..The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted..

it addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law and was proposed in response to issues

related to former slaves following the American Civil War.


One "FACT"..deaCON always seems to consistently get INCORRECT is...:

..Before the 14th Amendment to USA CONSTITUTION..

Were enslaved; or deaCON "free" Africans - AMERICANS?

..History of USA and USA Constitution state NO..!

Friday, January 27th 2023 at 8:58AM
robert powell

You need to stick with something you can prove. So far, you are just blowing in the wind, Robert.

Friday, January 27th 2023 at 9:41AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

You need to stick with something you can prove. So far, you are just blowing in the wind, Robert.

Friday, January 27th 2023 at 9:41AM
Deacon Ron Gray


Is deaCON, PASTER of diamond and silk comedienne NONSENSE now also a psuedo-comedian?

..I WROTE the FACTS above..NOT my FACTS but FACTS of every AMerican Historian...

READ this AGAIN, englishChallenged deaCON deacon ron..or russianBOT get a third grader to READ for deaCON

..deaCON WHAT in the following is to deaCON hard to "prove" and "blowing in the wind"..??


As an Educator of 50 years to Americans I always Teach that:

1. September 9, 1776, the Continental Congress declares the name “United States” of America.

This replaced the term “United Colonies..

2. July 9, 1868..The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted..

it addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law and was proposed in response to issues

related to former slaves following the American Civil War.


One "FACT"..deaCON always seems to consistently get INCORRECT is...:

..Before the 14th Amendment to USA CONSTITUTION..

Were enslaved; or deaCON "free" Africans - AMERICANS?

..History of USA and USA Constitution state NO..!

Friday, January 27th 2023 at 8:58AM
robert powell | delete
Friday, January 27th 2023 at 6:05PM
robert powell

Mr. Robert Powell, can you point out in this blog post where I am talking to the subject of 1. September 9, 1776, the Continental Congress declares the name “United States” of America.

This replaced the term “United Colonies.. Mr. Robert Powell, you can't talk to this subject WHY? This subject is right in front of you, you do understand the subject matter do you?

If you do, answer this question: Where in this blog post do you see the topic of July 9, 1868..The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted..???

Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself to belong to?

Friday, January 27th 2023 at 9:10PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School


Story by McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poetry..in 1773.

Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American.

in 1853. The President’s Daughter was written by abolitionist and lecturer William Wells Brown.


Posted By: Deacon Ron Gray
Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 10:00PM
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Way OFF deaCON own SUBJECT...comes this NONSENSE of American History...


"..where I am talking to the subject of 1. September 9, 1776, Continental Congress declares the name “United States” of

America. This replaced the term “United Colonies.. Mr. Robert Powell, you can't talk to this subject WHY?

This subject is right in front of you, you do understand the subject matter do you?

If you do, answer this question: Where in this blog post do you see the topic of July 9, 1868..

The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted..???

Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself to belong to?

Friday, January 27th 2023 at 9:10PM
Deacon Ron Gray


deaCON; is deacon ron aware that before 1776 there WAS NOTHING called “United States” of America...?

deaCON; is deacon ron aware that before 1776 Colonists residing in FUTURE america WERE British Citizens?

deaCON; is deacon ron aware that no Native or African was considered an American Citizen till 14th adm. 1868?

..Obviously deaCON-McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett dumbDOWNING of History does NOT know American History


FALSE deaCON deacon ron STATEMENTS in this blag...

1. 1773 Phillis Wheatley the first African American--(msWheatley was NOT AfricanAmerican or USA Citizen-1773)


2. Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American.(msTerry-No American Citizen 1746)


3. African American, 1853. It was written by..William Wells Brown.(AGAIN, mrBrown was NOT an AAmerican Citizen)



..I cannot go farther on "31" - deaCON-McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett MOCKERY of History

Just as COLORED'whiteRacists' of the past AND in 2022-23 Governor deSantis and other Racistly Ignorant Americans want

to dumbDOWN History..


..STOP it deaCON deacon ron AND GET EDUCATED in American History - NOT some dumbDOWNING of Intelligence..

BIA, African American Family; in 2023 desires FACTS and TRUTH of History over stereotypical old Falsehoods...

Saturday, January 28th 2023 at 9:06AM
robert powell

Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?

Saturday, January 28th 2023 at 10:33AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

AGAIN for the 1,209,989th time..

..I, Robert Powell am of the Race to Please and Follow the words of the Creator and Rabbi of Adaam(as)

Adaam(as) is the FATHER of EVERY human being Living or Lived on planet earth...

Friday, January 27th 2023 at 6:10PM
robert powell | delete


BIA deaCON deacon ron PASTER of racistlyIgnorant NONSENSE; is deaCON BLIND or just Cannot read English?

Saturday, January 28th 2023 at 2:13PM
robert powell

Why are you so ashamed of the race of people you belong to or do you know?

Saturday, January 28th 2023 at 11:22PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Why are you so ashamed of the race of people you belong to or do you know?

Saturday, January 28th 2023 at 11:22PM
Deacon Ron Gray


I believe that the Creator of Adaam(as)..Created Adaam(as) as the Father of all Men/Women

I Know that that Adaam(as) is the start of Human Beings...

I am in a Race of the Greatest Creations of Creator of ALL..

I am in of the Race to Please and Follow the words of the Creator and Rabbi of Adaam(as)..

..deaCON..Why does deacon ron mention SHAME in my African Asian Monotheistic judeoIslaamic belief?

..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists' that "whitePride" Racism is correct?


AGAIN, for the 1,004,534th time..

I, Robert Powell answer questions to deaCON - yet deacon ron NEVER answers questions..WHY?

..BIA deaCON deacon ron PASTER of racistlyIgnorant NONSENSE; BLIND and Dumb; or just Cannot readWrite English?

Sunday, January 29th 2023 at 8:56AM
robert powell

Then answer this question: Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 12:52AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School


Story by McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poetry..in 1773.

Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American.

in 1853. The President’s Daughter was written by abolitionist and lecturer William Wells Brown.


Posted By: Deacon Ron Gray
Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 10:00PM
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Way OFF deaCON own SUBJECT...comes this NONSENSE of American History...


Then answer this question: Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 12:52AM
Deacon Ron Gray


..AGAIN for the 1,209,990th time..

I, Robert Powell, believe that the Creator of Adaam(as)..Created Adaam(as) as the Father of all Men/Women

I Know that that Adaam(as) is the start of Human Beings on planet Earth...

I am in a Race of the Greatest Creations of Creator of ALL..

I am in of the Race to Please and Follow the words of the Creator and Rabbi of Adaam(as)..

..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists' that "whitePride" Racism is correct?


AGAIN, for the 1,004,535th time..

I, Robert Powell answer questions to deaCON - yet deacon ron NEVER answers questions..WHY?

..BIA deaCON, russianBOT inpersonating a dumbDowning "black" deacon from chicago

..BIA deaCON, russianBOT deacon ron PASTER of racistlyIgnorant NONSENSE; BLIND and Dumb; Cannot readWrite English?

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 8:04AM
robert powell

YOUR QUESTION: ..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists' that "whitePride" Racism is correct?

MY REPLY: NO!!! Robert, Racism is nothing but internalized hatred. HATRED is something you display in your ignorance, which you engage in, on a daily bases.

A prime example is this, which you can't even answer this question: "Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"

Now you have the nerve to talk about being racistly Ignorant, of being a Russian BOT and cannot read or write English.

You said that you tought school. Did you teach our children to spell, Who spells Deacon the way you do: "deaCON or russianBOT, with you words running all together like you are a mental case or something?

What you are writing is not English, it looks like something that you would put together on the fly, with your words running together like this.

FIX THAT ROBERT IF YOU CAN... or do you want me to call you by the name your Mother called you.

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 11:32AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

YOUR QUESTION: ..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists' that "whitePride" Racism is correct?

MY REPLY: NO!!! Robert, Racism is nothing but internalized hatred. HATRED is something you display in your ignorance, which you engage in, on a daily bases.

A prime example is this, which you can't even answer this question: "Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"

Now you have the nerve to talk about being racistly Ignorant, of being a Russian BOT and cannot read or write English.

You said that you tought school. Did you teach our children to spell, Who spells Deacon the way you do: "deaCON or russianBOT, with you words running all together like you are a mental case or something?

What you are writing is not English, it looks like something that you would put together on the fly, with your words running together like this.

FIX THAT ROBERT IF YOU CAN... or do you want me to call you by the name your Mother called you.

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 11:32AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

YOUR QUESTION: ..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists' that "whitePride" Racism is correct?

MY REPLY: NO!!! Robert, Racism is nothing but internalized hatred. HATRED is something you display in your ignorance, which you engage in, on a daily bases.

A prime example is this, which you can't even answer this question: "Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"

Now you have the nerve to talk about being racistly Ignorant, of being a Russian BOT and cannot read or write English.

You said that you tought school. Did you teach our children to spell, Who spells Deacon the way you do: "deaCON or russianBOT, with you words running all together like you are a mental case or something?

What you are writing is not English, it looks like something that you would put together on the fly, with your words running together like this.

FIX THAT ROBERT IF YOU CAN... or do you want me to call you by the name your Mother called you.

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 11:33AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

YOUR QUESTION: ..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists' that "whitePride" Racism is correct?

MY REPLY: NO!!! Robert, Racism is nothing but internalized hatred. HATRED is something you display in your ignorance, which you engage in, on a daily bases.

A prime example is this, which you can't even answer this question: "Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"

Now you have the nerve to talk about being racistly Ignorant, of being a Russian BOT and cannot read or write English.

You said that you tought school. Did you teach our children to spell, Who spells Deacon the way you do: "deaCON or russianBOT, with you words running all together like you are a mental case or something?

What you are writing is not English, it looks like something that you would put together on the fly, with your words running together like this.

FIX THAT ROBERT IF YOU CAN... or do you want me to call you by the name your Mother called you.

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 11:34AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School


Story by McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poetry..in 1773.

Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American.

in 1853. The President’s Daughter was written by abolitionist and lecturer William Wells Brown.


Posted By: Deacon Ron Gray
Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 10:00PM
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Way OFF deaCON own SUBJECT...comes this NONSENSE of American History...


Then answer this question: Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 12:52AM
Deacon Ron Gray


..AGAIN for the 1,209,990th time..

I, Robert Powell, believe that the Creator of Adaam(as)..Created Adaam(as) as the Father of all Men/Women

I Know that that Adaam(as) is the start of Human Beings on planet Earth...

I am in a Race of the Greatest Creations of Creator of ALL..

I am in of the Race to Please and Follow the words of the Creator and Rabbi of Adaam(as)..

..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists' that "whitePride" Racism is correct?


AGAIN, for the 1,004,535th time..

I, Robert Powell answer questions to deaCON - yet deacon ron NEVER answers questions..WHY?

..BIA deaCON, russianBOT inpersonating a dumbDowning "black" deacon from chicago

..BIA deaCON, russianBOT deacon ron PASTER of racistlyIgnorant NONSENSE; BLIND and Dumb; Cannot readWrite English?

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 8:04AM
robert powell | delete


AGAIN, for the 256,899th time..

I, Robert Powell, write at this African American Family site in my own poeticProse style...

I, Robert Powell, write similarily to GREAT American Poets and those that blend poetry and prose...

..deaCON deacon ron is an Adjective way in MY poeticProse style to characterize deacon ron RACISTLY IGNORANT COLORED-NONSENSE

..deaCON deacon ron is #1 PASTER of COLORED'whiteBlackRedYellow-NONSENSE'


I, a Muslim DO NOT believe that the paganChristian language/definitions of Generation slaver/colonizer*genocider ERA

I, a Muslim believer in the judeoIslaamic African Asian Monotheism of Creator of Adaam(as) SEE ALL MANKIND AS FAMILY

..THERE is NO whitePerson, NO blackPerson, NO redYellowPerson..THAT is COLORED'whiteSupremist' Belief and deaCONS...

..THAT NONSENSE of COLORED People is NOT my Belief nor that of BILLIONS Muslims worldwide for the past 1,440 Years...

AGAIN, deaCON and Racists, and russians..anyone can maintain COLORED'whiteSupremist' Belief

..NOT I..!!!!

Islaamic Belief is to JOIN the Family of Adaam(as) -- WE do not divide based on colorMAKEUP...

..As an American Citizen I AM FREE to believe the Original Genesis of African Asian Monotheistic Belief..

deaCON cannot understand my Basic words....I AM NOT A Christian believer of COLORED white Supremacy!!

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 6:36PM
robert powell

You know damn well that I have already answered this question: ..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists' that "whitePride" Racism is correct?

For the second time Mr. Robert Powell and I want you to pay attention this time. "NO!!! Robert, Racism is nothing but internalized hatred. HATRED is something you display in your ignorance, which you engage in, on a daily bases." NOW do you understand that?

I see that you wrote all of the BULL in your failure to answer what race of people do you claim to be.

We know that your mother was German, and your father was a Black soldier overseas. Now I ask you this question: "Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"

You must be ashamed of that part in your life, you poor thing you.

YOUR DUMD as QUESTION: BIA deaCON, russianBOT deacon ron PASTER of racistlyIgnorant NONSENSE; BLIND and Dumb; Cannot readWrite English?

MY REPLY. Mr. Robert Powell, I can read and write English and I can also read this BULL of yours.

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 9:55PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School


Story by McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poetry..in 1773.

Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American.

in 1853. The President’s Daughter was written by abolitionist and lecturer William Wells Brown.


Posted By: Deacon Ron Gray
Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 10:00PM
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Way OFF deaCON own SUBJECT..

.this Racistly Ignorant COLORED'whiteSUpremist' NONSENSE of MY History...MY Life from psuedoPsychopath .. Racist deacon ron


"..Robert, Racism is nothing but internalized hatred. HATRED is something you display in your ignorance, which you engage in,

on a daily bases." NOW do you understand that?

We know that your mother was German, and your father was a Black soldier

You must be ashamed of that part in your life, you poor thing you...I can also read this BULL of yours..."

Monday, January 30th 2023 at 9:55PM
Deacon Ron Gray


My mother NEVER called my father "deaCON black"

My mother NEVER called ME, a colored, negro or "deaCON black"

..A Courageous Man; that fought in 3 WARS, for American Constitution..married a German woman to give her constitutional rights

..A Courageous Man, and his Wife that came to America to take from America its HisStory of COLORED'christianWhiteSupremacy'

THAT MAN AND WOMAN were Pioneers- WITH THEIR LIVES- of Human Tolerance and Human Evolution in American Life...

..I, Robert Powell, am grateful to the Creator of Adaam(as) that these TWO parents were Mine....!!!

..I do not Appreciate a deaCON of Racist blogging at BIA, to dumbDown Intelligent Human Development by Americans

..I do not Appreciate a deaCON, russianBOT type of Division written by deacon ron to Divide the African American Family site

deaCON does NOT understand English, does NOT comprehend Human Development and is BLIND and Dumb to American EXCELLENCE..

Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 8:31AM
robert powell

Mr. Robert Powell, I never asked you what your mother never called you, what is the matter with you Mr. Robert Powell, are you having flashbacks on this question?

Mr. Robert Powell, I never asked you about that Courageous Man who was your Father, now did I?

All I asked you Mr. Robert Powell was this: "Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"

This question is directed to no one else but YOU Mr. Robert Powell. DON'T RUN Answer the question.

Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 1:37PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School


Story by McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poetry..in 1773.

Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American.

in 1853. The President’s Daughter was written by abolitionist and lecturer William Wells Brown.


Posted By: Deacon Ron Gray
Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 10:00PM
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Way OFF deaCON deacon ron's own SUBJECT..

.deaCON-Racistly Ignorant COLORED'whiteSupremist' Mind..speews Disrespectful NONSENSE at ME?..


"..Mr. Robert Powell, I never asked you what your mother never called you

..I never asked you about that Courageous Man who was your Father..

All I asked you "..what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"..."

Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 1:37PM
Deacon Ron Gray


My mother and father from South Carolina(40's-50's) ERA; WERE the Most Courageous SouthCarolina Citizen and newAmerican EVER..

..I pray the Creator that I was/am as courageous as this American Family of Honor...

..I pray the Creator that the deaCON deacon ron, correct deaCON Disrespect of my Courageous American Family


..AGAIN for the 1,209,991st time..

I, Robert Powell, believe that the Creator of Adaam(as)..Created Adaam(as) as the Father of all Men/Women

I Know that that Adaam(as) is the start of Human Beings on planet Earth...

I am in a Race of the Greatest Creations of Creator of ALL..

I am in of the Race to Please and Follow the words of the Creator and Rabbi of Adaam(as)..

..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists'; that "whitePride" Racism is correct?

Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 6:04PM
robert powell

WOW!!! You ran away from the question again Mr. Robert Powell. "Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"


are you human?

Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 6:33PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School


Story by McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poetry..in 1773.

Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American.

in 1853. The President’s Daughter was written by abolitionist and lecturer William Wells Brown.


Posted By: Deacon Ron Gray
Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 10:00PM
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Way OFF deaCON deacon ron's own SUBJECT..

.deaCON-Racistly Ignorant COLORED'whiteSupremist' Mind..speews Disrespectful NONSENSE at ME?..


"..are you human?.."

Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 6:33PM
Deacon Ron Gray


..AGAIN for the 1,209,992nd time..

..the Creator of Adaam(as)..Created Adaam(as) as the Father of all Men/Women

I Know that that Adaam(as) is the start of Human Beings on planet Earth...

I, Robert Powell, am a Human Being; descendant of Adaam(as)

I am in a Race of the Greatest Creations of Creator of ALL..

I am in of the Race to Please and Follow the words of the Creator and Rabbi of Adaam(as)..


AGAIN, I always ANSWER deaCON Questions...

..deaCON NEVER in 14+ years has ANSWERED my QUESTIONS to deacon ron..WHY?

ANSWER me this ..

..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists'; that "whitePride" Racism is correct?

Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 7:02PM
robert powell

NO!!! for the fourth time Mr. Robert Powell.

Now answer my Question: "Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"

YOURWORDS: .the Creator of Adaam(as)..Created Adaam(as) as the Father of all Men/Women

MY REPLY: The Creator of ADAAM IS THE FATHER OF ALL HUMAN RACE, at I agree with you and the creator of man also created you and that is a fact. The Most High also made you and that too is a fact.

Now I ask you: ""Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?"

I am asking you this question and no one else, Do you understand that Mr. Robert Powell?

Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 7:34PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

..AGAIN for the 1,209,993rd time..

..the Creator of Adaam(as)..Created Adaam(as) as the Father of all Men/Women

I Know that that Adaam(as) is the start of Human Beings on planet Earth...

I, Robert Powell, am a Human Being; descendant of Adaam(as)

I am in a Race of the Greatest Creations of Creator of ALL..

I am in of the Race to Please and Follow the words of the Creator and Rabbi of Adaam(as)..


AGAIN, I always ANSWER deaCON Questions...

ANSWER me this ..

..deaCON..Does deacon ron believe as the self COLORED'whiteSUpremists'; that "whitePride" Racism is correct?


"...NO!!! for the fourth time Mr. Robert Powell..."

Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 7:34PM
Deacon Ron Gray


sorry, I never READ it...may have missed it..

..WHY then does deaCON deacon ron, represent the KING of Racist Ignorance..kingJames?

..WHY then does deaCON deacon ron, represent masterSlaver/ KING, that BEGAN slaverAmericana,,rape/torture/murder of Africans?

..WHY then is deaCON deacon ron, using the words, belief and christianCOLOR Labeling of COLORED'whiteSupremacy?...

STOP it and become the African Asian Monotheistic RACE of the Creator/Rabbi of Adaam(as)..

Wednesday, February 1st 2023 at 8:14AM
robert powell

YOUR QUESTION: WHY then does deaCON deacon ron, represent the KING of Racist Ignorance..kingJames?

MY ANSWER: Because I don't believe the words in The Holy Bible King James Version represents the KING of Racist Ignorance. Mr. Robert Powell, which of the 66 books in The Holy Bible King James Version is this Racist Ignorance that you are talking about, can you point out The Book, Scripture and verse, if you can?

YOUR QUESTION: ..WHY then does deaCON deacon ron, represent masterSlaver/ KING, that BEGAN slaverAmericana,,rape/torture/murder of Africans?

MY ANSWER: Tell me something Mr. Robert Powell are Africans be enslaved in the years 2000 to 2023? If so, then I can see your point but if NOT, you are just blowing smoke for all these many years.

YOUR QUESTION: WHY then is deaCON deacon ron, using the words, belief and christianCOLOR Labeling of COLORED'whiteSupremacy?...

MY REPLY: Mr. Robert Powell, I have you many times to point out this so-called COLORED'whiteSupremacy and this is something you have not done yet, WHY?

Can you find and show me this so-called COLORED'whiteSupremacy in The King James Verion of The Holy Bible Mr. Robert Powell?

Wednesday, February 1st 2023 at 5:27PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

YOUR QUESTION: WHY then does deaCON deacon ron, represent the KING of Racist Ignorance..kingJames?

MY ANSWER: Because I don't believe the words in The Holy Bible King James Version represents the KING of Racist Ignorance. Mr. Robert Powell, which of the 66 books in The Holy Bible King James Version is this Racist Ignorance that you are talking about, can you point out The Book, Scripture and verse, if you can?

YOUR QUESTION: ..WHY then does deaCON deacon ron, represent masterSlaver/ KING, that BEGAN slaverAmericana,,rape/torture/murder of Africans?

MY ANSWER: Tell me something Mr. Robert Powell are Africans be enslaved in the years 2000 to 2023? If so, then I can see your point but if NOT, you are just blowing smoke for all these many years.

YOUR QUESTION: WHY then is deaCON deacon ron, using the words, belief and christianCOLOR Labeling of COLORED'whiteSupremacy?...

MY REPLY: Mr. Robert Powell, I have asked you many times to point out this so-called COLORED'whiteSupremacy and this is something you have not done yet, WHY?

Can you find and show me this so-called COLORED'whiteSupremacy in The King James Verion of The Holy Bible Mr. Robert Powell?


Wednesday, February 1st 2023 at 5:40PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.



..Explain to me deacon ron's VERSION of kingJames-#1 Slaver/Genocider COLORED'whiteSUPREMIST' of 1619..(jamesTown)?

..Explain to me deacon..Was kingJames-#1 Slaver COLORED'whiteSUPREMIST' of 1619..(jamesTown) a follower of kingJames versionBible?

Thursday, February 2nd 2023 at 6:26PM
robert powell

Judging by your last reply, you can’t show me this so-called COLORED'whiteSupremacy in The King James Verion of The Holy Bible Mr. Robert Powell, is that right?

I see that you was just blowing in the wind.

Mr. Robert Powell, I have asked you on several occasions for you to post some positive posts here on Black In America so we can make this place on the World Wide Web a place for positive exchange in learning, but yet from you, I get nothing, WHY???

Thursday, February 2nd 2023 at 7:22PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

I see senor deaCON ..deacon ron cannot give BIA, African Americans and the USA what opinion one should have of an individual in hisSTORY.?

..senor deaCON has given opinions bad, filthy, crazy as opinions of trump$$ette and others like hitlerJew..

..senor deaCON; hitler VS kingJames...

..senor deaCON; kingJames STARTED the 1619 slaverAmericana Racist rape, theft, torture, and murder as his Version of Christianity...

..senor deaCON: kingJames STARTED the 1619 Natives Wars for Racist rape, theft, torture,....genocide as his Version of Christianity..

..senor deaCON: kingJames STARTED the 1619 Colonial Evils for Racist rape, theft torture......genocide of MOST of the WORLD in the name of latinoJesus

and deaCON, wants me point out in kingJames Version of the African Asian Monotheistic 'kingBook' WHY I know kingJames was a MONSTER of Inhumanity in his reign

..NO no and no no ... deaCON give History deaCON version of kingJames

Friday, February 3rd 2023 at 8:18AM
robert powell

Where in The Holy Bible can I find those in which you speck of this 1619 slaverAmericana Racist rape, theft, torture, and murder as his Version of Christianity..., In what BOOK of The 66 Books of The Holy Bible Mr. Robert Powell, WHAT BOOK?

Where in The Holy Bible can I find those words in which you speck, of this 1619 Natives Wars for Racist rape, theft, torture,....genocide as his Version of Christianity.. In what BOOK of The 66 Books of The Holy Bible Mr. Robert Powell, WHAT BOOK?

Where in The Holy Bible can I find those words in which you speck, I what to see what you are talking about Mr. Robert Powell.

I 'am ready to see what you are talking about Mr. Robert Powell.

Friday, February 3rd 2023 at 12:57PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?

Saturday, January 28th 2023 at 10:33AM
Deacon Ron Gray

I 'am ready to see what you are talking about Mr. Robert Powell.

Friday, February 3rd 2023 at 12:57PM
Deacon Ron Gray


I am.


I'm off subject....is english

..not deaCON broken russian...

AGAIN..READ deaCON own 'words' or just get a 3-4th grader to help deacon ron to COMPREHEND english....

Friday, February 3rd 2023 at 5:39PM
robert powell

Mr. Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?



You can understand that can't you?

Friday, February 3rd 2023 at 8:25PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School


Story by McKenzie Jean-Philippe, Jane Burnett

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poetry..in 1773.

Lucy Terry in 1746, was the first known poem written by a Black American.

in 1853. The President’s Daughter was written by abolitionist and lecturer William Wells Brown.


Posted By: Deacon Ron Gray
Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 10:00PM
You can also click here to view all posts by this author...


Way OFF deaCON deacon ron's own SUBJECT..

.deaCON-Racistly Ignorant COLORED'whiteSupremist' Mind..speews OVER and OVER Disrespectful NONSENSE at ME?..


Robert Powell, what race of people on this earth, do you consider yourself belonging to?...or Machine?

You can understand that can't you?..."

Friday, February 3rd 2023 at 8:25PM
Deacon Ron Gray


..AGAIN for the 1,209,994th time..

and A FACT that US USA Citizens SHOULD Have Learned 1800-2023..in School..the judeoIslaamic Principle of Faith

..the Creator/Rabbi of Adaam(as)..Created Adaam(as) as the Father of all Men/Women

I am in a Race of the Greatest Creations of Creator of ALL..

I am in of the Race to Please and Follow the words of the Creator and Rabbi of Adaam(as)..


deaCON..since by deacon ron account this is "blackHistory month" and there are "FACTS" US USA should have been taught in School?

deaCON..deacon ron blog has identified "31" FACTS..Why are the following Never been taught in any USA School 1800-2023..?

..Explain to USA why..kingJames-#1 Slaver-COLORED'whiteSUPREMIST' of 1619..(jamesTown) never was taught in school?

..Explain to me deacon..Was kingJames-#1 Slaver COLORED'whiteSUPREMIST' of 1619..the Genesis of AfricanAsian slaverAmericana?

Saturday, February 4th 2023 at 8:06AM
robert powell

Mr. Robert Powell, since I have asked you to post some positive works on black in America and it looks like you refused to do so, with that in mind, I’m going to put a BLOCK on your negative mess, since you can’t answer none of my questions.

Goodbye Mr. Robert Powell

Saturday, February 4th 2023 at 9:12AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

"..I’m going to put a BLOCK on your negative mess, since you can’t answer none of my questions.."

Saturday, February 4th 2023 at 9:12AM
Deacon Ron Gray


The negro is the negative that maintains the COLORED'whiteSupremist' Racist Ignorance in USA 2023...

The negro is the 'blackComedy' of crying about "inJustice" yet maintaining the COLORED'whiteRacistMind' of kingJames..

..Rise up you negros, and become Human Beings NOT the spawn of COLORED'whiteSupremist' slavery....

Before the trump$$etters were the MAGA's


“RONALD REAGAN: Last night, I tell you to watch that thing on television as I did…


REAGAN: …To see those monkeys from those African countries. Damn them. They’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes.

NIXON: (Laughter) Well, and then they — the tail wags the dog there, doesn’t it?


NIXON: The tail wags the dog”.


This comment is negative...

"..not rendering medical aid to Mr. Tyre Nichol Is what you think..You sound like you are on the side of those five cops, well are you?.."

Saturday, February 4th 2023 at 8:56AM
Deacon Ron Gray

..BUT alas; the by and by negroSlave would not and cannot block out his COLORED'whiteSupremacy'

Saturday, February 4th 2023 at 4:56PM
robert powell

Mr. Robert Powell, with all due respect, I have asked you to be positive by posting a subject that you would be a point of interest to the people here on Black In America and that is something you resist to do.

You talk about this about The negro is the 'blackComedy' of crying about "inJustice" yet maintaining the COLORED'whiteRacistMind' of kingJames..

Now I have asked you to point out what Book in The King James 1619 version and you have not pointed out BOOK, SCRIPTURE or VERSE this so-called "inJustice" yet maintaining the COLORED'whiteRacistMind' of kingJames.. YOU JUST GO SILENT.

So what I' am doing to do is help you STAY SILENT because your ignorance, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ON THIS BLOG ANY LONGER.

Monday, February 6th 2023 at 12:03PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

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31 Black History Facts You May Not Have Learned in School (2024)


What are some unknown Black History facts? ›

Black History Month Trivia
  • William Tucker, son of indentured servants from Great Britain, was the first recorded African child to be born in the colonies in 1624.
  • Vermont was the first colony to ban slavery in 1777.
  • In the 1770s, a Quaker named Anthony Benezet created the first school for African American children.
Jan 11, 2022

Why does Black History need to be taught in schools? ›

Finally, African American history is important because it encourages better citizenship. It emphasizes the ties that bind together individuals, communities, and generations. It illuminates the struggles to redefine and expand constitutional and human rights, both for Black and non-Black people.

What is Black History Month info for students? ›

Black History Month was created to focus attention on the contributions of African Americans to the United States. It honors all Black people from all periods of U.S. history, from the enslaved people first brought over from Africa in the early 17th century to African Americans living in the United States today.

What is the 13th Black history? ›

The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1865, formally abolished slavery throughout the United States. But ending slavery was only a first step toward securing full freedom and citizenship rights for African Americans.

What is 306 Black history? ›

What Does “306” Mean? Did you know that the number 306 has significance in Black history? When Dr. Martin Luther King stayed at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, the site of his assassination in 1968, he preferred to stay in room 306.

What is the most famous invention by a black person? ›

Top 10 Inventions by Black Inventors
  1. Mailbox (1891) – Phillip Downing. ...
  2. Traffic light (1922) – Garrett Morgan. ...
  3. Automatic Gear Shift (1932) – Richard Spikes. ...
  4. Clothes Dryer (1892) – George T. ...
  5. Automatic Elevator Doors (1887) – Alexander Miles. ...
  6. Folding Chairs (1889) – John Purdy. ...
  7. Gas Heating Furnace (1919) – Alice H.
Jan 30, 2023

What was black history first called? ›

Negro History Week (1926)

The precursor to Black History Month was created in 1926 in the United States, when historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) announced the second week of February to be "Negro History Week".

How much Black history is taught in schools? ›

Yet, despite teachers' enthu- siasm about teaching Black history, the study surmised that generally only 1 to 2 lessons or 8–9 percent of total class time is devoted to Black history in U.S. history classrooms.

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GAZETTE: Carter G. Woodson is known as the father of Black history.

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America has made great progress since the Civil War, but we must continue to work to make the country an inclusive and safe society, where people of all backgrounds have full access to opportunities. Black History Month encourages us to learn about the true history of America and strive for a better world.

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In 1908, after winning the 4 x 400 meter relay, John Taylor became the first African American to win gold in the Olympics. And in 1948, Alice Coachman became the first Black woman in the world to win an Olympic gold medal while competing in the high jump.

What is the 2024 Black History Month theme? ›

Each year, Black History Month brings another opportunity to discover contributions that enrich our nation. The 2024 theme, “African Americans and the Arts,” explores the creativity, resilience and innovation from a culture that has uplifted spirits and soothed souls in countless ways across centuries.

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Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G.

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Bob Johnson, the first US Black billionaire, also represents a US trend where most Black billionaires stem from the entertainment industry.

What was Black history first called? ›

Negro History Week (1926)

The precursor to Black History Month was created in 1926 in the United States, when historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) announced the second week of February to be "Negro History Week".

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Black people also invented the clothes dryer, the automatic gear shift in vehicles, the modern toilet, lawn sprinkler, peanut butter and potato chips. But the innovation gap persists.


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.